Royalty-free library tracks

Yes! Royalty-free music for your media project needs.

Royalty-free library music are music tracks you can use in media projects–for example, a documentary or film you’re working on, or a presentation for work or school. By paying the price of the track, you are paying the licensing fee for such use, and you don’t have to worry about paying additional royalties down the line. The tracks are available as they are, and you are free to use as much or as little of them as needed.

What is the difference between these tracks and the tracks available in the “Commercial Albums” section? The commercial albums are intended for personal listening and enjoyment. They are for you to buy and upload to your phone, iPod, or cloud library, or to burn onto a CD (am I the only one still burning CDs?).

If you need a customized musical piece or a score for a film, feel free to contact me.

Please visit my Pond5 page and take a listen…


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